Holiday Cheer
Before I get into this bit of rambling, I think I should apologize. First, because I can tell by my mood this morning that this is going to be a long winded rambling, and second, for what may end up coming out of my mouth. Why you ask? Well, it's because I'm sick. I woke up on Christmas morning with a nasty cold that has left me home-bound for the last few days in our tiny home on wheels and I don't do very well when I am sitting around. Brenda says that I should have been a better boy throughout the year because Santa Claus obviously did this to me as punishment for not being very nice. I've overheard many girls over the years say that boys are terrible at being sick and I'll have to admit that I am one of those boys. Even though death is not at my door, if you were here, I would make it sound as if it was. Yes, I am whiny and miserable to be around when I am under the weather. And because I've been at home for the last few days, I've run out of m...