A Visitor

There are a few things we severely miss when we are traveling around on the high seas. If I were to list them in order of most missed things, I would have to say family and friends are on top of that list. Actually, if I'm going to be totally honest, fast and reliable internet access is on the top, followed by ice cream (our boat freezer doesn't get cold enough to keep ice cream frozen solid...a serious bummer), and then in a distant 3rd place comes family and friends (sorry friends and family, but you're no tub of ice cream).

When we get to shore in some random town, the first thing we seem to do is look for a wifi signal. Second, we get ice cream. Then after hours of surfing the web and eating gallons upon gallons of ice cream, we finally think about our family and friends (again, you come in a distant third...sorry, but I have a serious sweet tooth). After the ice cream is gone, we go back to the place with wifi, send out our emails and phone calls to check in with our loved ones, and then we go looking for more ice cream.

To our family and friends, even though internet access and ice cream is more important to us than you are, we still miss you. We've missed you so much that we've been hoping that some of you will come and visit us. And yes, it is because we love and miss you, but also, it's because we love what we are doing and we want to share our lifestyle with the people we care most about.

We are fully aware that we aren't the easiest of people to track down for a visit. We know that most people aren't able to just stop by our house on their way home from the grocery store to say “Hi.” It's usually a ferry ride, a plane ride, or a drive across the country, or even a needed passport update. So when someone actually makes the effort to come and visit us, we are pretty thrilled. We are actually ecstatic. We know that some serious effort was made on their part and it means a lot to us.

We just had one of those visits from a good friend who was able to take a little time off of work to come and explore some islands with us. Not only were we able to spend some time catching up with a good friend, but we were able to show someone we love a different view, a floating perspective if you will, on one of the most beautiful areas on earth, the Pacific Northwest. And what do you know, it was pretty great.

We set foot on 4 islands in our short time together, we had some great days of sailing, we got up close and personal with some wildlife (whale sightings!!!), and we anchored our floating home in remote secluded bays just in time to watch incredible sunsets. We ate fresh seafood, hiked and explored, but more than anything, we just enjoyed spending time with a good friend.

After a handful of days together and a handful of islands explored, our good friend had to go home so he could go back to the dreaded “W” word (work). Sad but true. The “W” word seems to get in the way of fun all too often. And then we were 2.

But the good news is that in just a few more days, another set of friends will be joining us for some more fun on the high seas. And what do you know, we are pretty excited about it. It's going to be great.

And if you aren't in the know, our newest video is up on Youtube. The link is down below.

Another perfect anchorage.  This time at Jones Island.

Our good friend Brad had to earn his keep by rowing our lazy butts back to the boat.

Brenda is checking out the sculpted sandstone at Sucia Island.

And here it is.  Episode 7 of our video series.  It's a true story.  The link is here: 


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