We haven't been able to find a very fast wifi connection for a while and this place is no different. We are however going to be staying here overnight so I am letting each picture take it's own sweet time to load (each one takes about 2 hours...we'll see how patient I am). We are currently at a place called Gorge Harbor Marina. It's more of a resort type place than we are used to with beautiful manicured landscaping, a great restaurant, pool and hot tub, and you guessed it...wifi (the real reason we are here). Actually they have yoga in the mornings overlooking the bay and Brenda wanted to join in...so here we are at a resort. Kind of nice for a change.
We have spent the last week with our good friends who sailed up from Seattle, Dan and Christy, and have been having a great time. They have sailed up here numerous times and have explored just about every nook and cranny so it was really fun to have some tour guides show us the ropes on some of these places. We parted ways yesterday and I'm not exactly sure how they are feeling after spending a week with my power walking wife. I'm sure they are beat...I know I am and I am used to her.
Here are a few pictures.....
Princess Louisa Inlet |
Another peak on another island |
The view out our back door in Desolation Sound |
Attack of the Killer Jelly-fish! There were about 12 million in this bay. |
Woo Hoo!!! 80 degree water!!! |
Hiking on one of our 2 days of rain on our trip (that's right...only 2 days of rain in 6 1/2 weeks) |
our tosies next to a great little swimming hole...no one around but the bears and the skeeters. |
This is the only good shot I have of Dan...and yes that is because his head is cut off in the picture (that was a joke)....Dan you are a fine looking man (that was a joke too)...really this is the only good picture I have of Dan. He did ruin all of the pictures I was trying to get of his beautiful wife Christy. |
And another peak on another island with Dan and Christy |
And that's about all I have patience for....
We will probably be out of touch for another little stretch. We are getting into the real wilderness now and will be getting further and further away from civilization. We'll check in when we are able. That's all for now. Peace out.
Fabulous pictures and scenery! Thanks for sharing! xoxo