Doing Some Good
I've got a handful of topics to quickly
discuss today before I get into the real nitty-gritty of what's going
on. First, we are still in Seattle and it looks like we are going to
be here for at least another week or so. We've been working on
getting my uncle's house cleaned out, fixed up, and put on the market
to sell, and what do you know, that all takes time. We have another
contractor coming out to fix the roof next week, and after that,
we'll be booking a flight to head back to our floating home in
Mexico. Oh Mexico, how we've missed you.
In between family matters and working
on the house, we've been doing our best to visit with family and
friends. And yes, we are trying to see you all, but unfortunately,
some of you will be missed. There just isn't enough time for
everything and everyone. I know some of you are probably thinking
that we have nothing but time, so stick around just a little longer
and get your butts over here for some face to face time with me. Uh,
no offense, but warm sun and adventure in Mexico is much more fun
that you. Sorry, but it's true. We are seriously looking forward to
getting back to our floating home and continuing on our big
adventure. Especially since we have actually had access to internet
while we've been in Seattle and I can regularly get emails and
messages from some of our cruising friends down south who are
reminding us of the surf they are catching, the fun they are having,
and the tacos they are eating. If for nothing else than the tacos
alone, we can't wait to get back.
Now that I've gotten through the basics
of what's going on with us, it's time to get to the real nuts and
bolts of what I want to talk about today. If you've been reading the
blog and/or watching the videos about our time in Mexico, then you
may have caught a glimpse of us helping our good friends on S/V
Monkey Fist deliver free eye exams and glasses to remote villages on
the Baja Peninsula. We've been fortunate enough to have been able to
help out in a handful of villages now and I haven't talked a lot
about those experiences because we've still been processing what it's
meant to us.
I could probably just tell you that
it's been rewarding to do something nice for another human being and
leave it at that, but there is a lot more to it than that. In these
tiny villages, there is a real need that currently isn't being met.
There are aid groups all over the world
that do great things. More often than not, these aid groups focus
their time, energy, and money on people and places where they get the
most bang for the buck. A tiny village in Mexico, with maybe only 20
people, where the only access is by boat, is without a doubt not
going to get the same attention as a place where resources can be
handed out easily and cost effectively. This is where we come in.
If you haven't noticed, we have a boat,
we love going to out of the way remote places, and we love visiting
with the local people to experience real life in these far out places.
Before we left on this big adventure, I
had often thought about how I would occupy my time. I had a nagging
feeling that we may get bored. I thought that since I had a
background in construction, I could go to some of these remote places
and as a way of not only occupying time and doing some good but also
getting an “in” with the locals, I could help build things or
maybe be Mr. Fix-it in a tiny village. Little did I know that
adventuring itself takes a lot of time and boredom hasn't been an
issue. But more than that, people in these remote places are
extremely resourceful. Nothing is wasted and just because I have a
pretty good knowledge of building codes in the States and can whip up
a skyscraper, that doesn't translate into fixing a shack that is put
together with driftwood, pieces of an old fishing net, and tin. My
building skills here are useless. I could learn a thing or two about
ingenuity just by being a fly on a wall.
I think a lot of cruisers leave their
comfy life in the States or wherever they come from and think about
doing some sort of good while they are off gallivanting around the
globe. But most people, just like us, have no idea what to do or
where to start. They may join a charity cruising event and put in a
little bit of time while the week long event is happening and then go
on their merry way until next year's event, feeling like they did
something grand. That's all well and good, but I have wanted
something more than an event with 100 other cruisers could provide.
I have wanted something that is not only lasting but more personal,
something that I don't have to wait until next year before I can be
involved again, and something that is mobile so we can keep on moving
through not only Mexico, but distant shores and different countries.
Since our good friends on S/V Monkey
Fist are making their way home to Australia, that means we won't be
traveling companions forever. And as you probably guessed, their
rapidly dwindling supply of glasses are going with them to be
distributed to needed recipients across the Pacific as they make
their way home. So, where does that leave us?
The first thing we are doing is getting
together a supply of glasses to help re-stock S/V Monkey Fist's
dwindling supply. They have given away tons of glasses during their
time in Mexico and their supply of the more common prescriptions are
looking pretty slim. We've contacted the Lyon's Club in Oregon (they
are who will be supplying the re-stock of glasses) and are hoping
that when we fly back to Mexico, we'll have a suitcase full of the
needed glasses to hand over to our good friends so they can carry on.
It would be a shame to go to a remote village and look someone in
the face and tell them, “sorry, but we ran out of what you need.”
The next thing we are doing is working
on getting our own supply. While I have been working on my uncle's
house, Brenda has spent time working the phones, sending emails, and
filling out forms that will hopefully end up stocking us with about
2,000 pairs of glasses that we can distribute as we make our way
through Mexico and beyond. If all goes as planned, when we return to
Mexico, not only will we have a suitcase full of glasses for our
friends, but we'll have an extra few suitcases full for us.
There is still quite a bit to do
logistically to make all of this happen and more details that we have
to hash out, so, I'll fill you in with more info as we go along. For
now, I will just say that we are excited at the prospect of making
this happen and even more excited to be a part of something that can
have instant and lasting effects on a person's quality of life.
Because doing something nice for another human being is just a good
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The Doctor is in at Isla Pardito. |
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The "clinic" at San Evaristo is in full swing and busting at the seams. |
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The tiny village at Isla Pardito has been on this tiny rock since the late 1800's. An amazing place for sure. |
And if all that wasn't enough, our newest video is now on Youtube. Check it before you wreck it:
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