Road Trippin'

I'm going to do my best to keep this one brief because we are frantically packing after a split second decision to hit the road this morning. Brenda returned home a few days ago after 4 months away, she had a couple of days to decompress, and then she decided that she needed some fun to solidify her decompression. Not only did she want fun though, she wanted some warm sun to go with it. Since her last 4 months have been spent in Seattle, putting up with the constant gray skies and rain that permanently go with that city during the winter, who could really blame her for wanting warm sun and an adventure to thaw her out? Not me. I'm a pretty easy sell when it comes to an adventure. Even though I've had some fun being a ski bum for the winter in Bend, I am ready for a change of scenery. More than anything, I am ready to not stare at the 4 walls of our home on wheels at night. Our RV has been getting smaller and smaller and smaller these last 4 months. We never in...