One year anniversary!

Well, it's official. We have been traveling for one whole year. We left Seattle and headed North up the inside passage on our sailboat into the great unknown on May 31, 2014 and now that it is May 31, 2015, my meager math skills tell me that means that 525,949 minutes have passed since we left. If your meager math skills are having a hard time deciphering what 525,949 minutes is, it's one year, or 31,556,940 seconds. Try to keep up.

Any way you look at it, it's been the best year of our lives. I can't adequately describe with words the amount of fun that we've had. We've seen more amazing things than we even knew existed, we've done more things than we knew were possible, and we've hiked more miles than my barking dogs would have liked (feet = ouch). The best part of all is the fact that tomorrow will be day number one of year number two, and we have no end in sight.

I don't have a whole lot to report at the moment, mostly because we have been too busy for me to sit down and write some nonsense for you to read. We have still been doing exciting things, it's just that I haven't had the time to tell you about it. I can hear murmurings in the distance saying “how can you be too busy to write a few words on a page? Your retired. That's called being lazy.” I'm not going to lie, that may be the case. I am going to tell you that being too busy sometimes means hanging out by the pool for just a little too long. And sometimes it means that we have been hiking all day long and I don't have enough energy left in me to even formulate a sentence. Whatever the case may be, just know that in the next few days, I am hoping to compile a list of stats that highlight our last year of traveling. I just wanted to take a minute today and toot my own horn and let you know that one full year of travel is a pretty great thing. And yes, since it is our anniversary, gifts are appropriate. Stay tuned for the stats................  


  1. You are doing well at life development 101, but you are still behind the pace! You are going to have to step it up a little or be left behind. My suggestion: Glacier National Park in 201

  2. Congratulations on completing your first year! This is most certainly the best part of our lives. And we think your pace is just fine. Are you about to head out on your boat?


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