6 Month Recap
We were just looking at a calendar and
noticed that we are coming up on another anniversary. This one is a
big one. In a couple of days it will have been 6 months since we
left Seattle to head out on our big adventure. 6 months is a pretty
good amount of time for a vacation. In the 6 months that we have
been gone, a lot has happened and a lot has stayed the same. One of
the things that has stayed the same is the fact that I still love
lists. In my working life, I made lists everyday because that seemed
to be the only way I could get everything done that needed to happen
on any given day. I looked at numbers and spreadsheets daily. I
read statistics and useless facts that wouldn't matter to any other
individual but me...and I kind of enjoyed those things. Numbers and
useless facts and statistics have always fascinated me and since I
don't really have anything super exciting to write about, I am going
to share some of the stats and facts from the last 6 months. I guess
what I'm saying is that it's time for a recap.
Before I share this list of useless
information with you, I am going to share something else. Since we
left those 6 big months ago, I have been feeling somewhat guilty
about the fact that we are out enjoying ourselves everyday while you,
our dear friends and family, have been stuck at work reading about
our adventures while sitting in your cubicle with fluorescent lights
buzzing over your head that are sucking the life out of you. I have
sometimes had a bit of a hard time writing because I felt like you
may feel like we were bragging or rubbing it in your
fluorescent-light-soaked-face. I hope that's not how you feel and I
hope you understand that we wish you were here with us...playing
around, seeing the sites, and having a great time. Because at this
point, my guilty feelings have started to wain and now I am feeling
pretty proud of ourselves for pulling this little stunt off. It has
truly been a great 6 months and we can't wait to see what the next 6
will bring.
Here are the stats in no particular
1,288 miles walked/hiked
4 pairs of shoes worn out
2 backpacks worn out
1,421 miles traveled by sailboat
264 miles traveled by pedal power
10 states visited
2 countries visited
11 National Parks visited
18 National Monuments visited
7 days is the longest amount of time a box of
Cheez-its has survived in our possession
4 hours is the shortest amount of time
a box of Cheez-its has survived in our possession
62 islands have been set foot on by us
2 bears spotted
182 dolphins spotted
146 pounds of fish caught, shared, and consumed
(minus 2 pounds used as bear bait)
4 bottles of sunscreen used up
6 ghost towns visited
18 degrees is the coldest night we've
had in Escalante, Utah
104 degrees is the hottest day we've
had in Phoenix, Arizona
14 canyons explored
200 feet of rope purchased to rappel
into the deepest of those canyons
1 new home on wheels purchased
8 cans of nacho cheese (with jalapenos)
eaten by Brenda
1,499 mosquitoes killed by Brenda the
mosquito hunter (she is proud of that number...you're welcome)
64 places we have seen that could be
the coolest place on earth
1 mountain lion has stalked us (that we
know about)
76 is the average age of our neighbors
when staying in a RV park
4 is dinner time for our RV neighbors
6 is bed time for our RV neighbors
188 times our RV neighbors have said “I
wish I would have played around at your age instead of waiting till I
was 65”
1,654 pictures of rocks
466 selfies taken
26 pounds of coffee consumed
1,424 is the average number of texts
Brenda sends to her girly friends back home every month
14 is the average number of texts
Brenda sends me every month to remind me that she likes gifts
20 is the number of dollars I gave to
Dan to keep us in his Lottery pool...unfortunately we are still waiting for the big win
4 swimming pools swam in
4 swimming pools peed in
4 swimming pools kicked out of (I
didn't know you were supposed to be in the pool to pee in it)
0 is the number of times we wished we
were still working
8 is the average time we get out of bed
in the morning
3 naps in 6 months...sad but true
164 times we have wished for a better
1 new camera just purchased
2 weeks is the longest we have stayed
in one spot (Escalante)
1 night spent in a Walmart parking lot
2 broken fingers (both mine)
628 times that I have told Brenda “we
should get some bacon”
1 souvenir purchased...a t-shirt in
So that's it in a nutshell. Pretty exciting stuff. We are now working our way back to Mesa, Arizona to have Thanksgiving with my Brother and his family. It should be a good time with way too much food...just how I like it.
Sedona |
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The ghost town of Chloride |
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Brenda at Red Rocks near Vegas |
Bryce Canyon |
You need to add a line to your "To Do" list. Number three is always "take a Nap"
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