
We have started feeling like we are in a bit of a rut (not really but I have to start this story somehow). This rut is because we have been seeing amazing things day in and day out and after a while this starts to get old (again, not's all part of the story). Since most of these amazing things that we have been seeing require foot power to access, we have been hiking a ton...nearly 1,200 miles of foot powered exploration since we left Seattle, so my dogs have been barking (feet = ouch). Since I still love to see amazing stuff everyday, we had to figure out a way to see more stuff while giving my barking dogs a break. And since the best way to break out of a rut is to try something different...something different was in order. It just so happens that we were passing through a little town called Cottonwood in Arizona on our way to the big Thanksgiving Day festivities at my brother's house when we saw something that would break us out of our rut (again, we ...