
It turns out that there are a lot more things that need to be done. Tons of little things that you wouldn't really think about until its almost too late. Things like updating passports, getting vaccinations (which is a story in itself...think of a human pin-cushion...ouch!), and lots of little boat projects that have been lingering.
Since we leaving on an open ended trip, we are getting rid of all of our stuff as well. When I mean all of our stuff, I mean ALL of our stuff. We have lived aboard our boat for a long time so I always thought that we lived pretty minimalistic but it turns out that we have a lot of stuff to get rid of. Cars, toys, trinkets, bikes, photos, extra clothes, etc.....I am amazed at how much stuff we have acquired over the years. It feels pretty good to be getting rid of it all.
All of the stuff that we can't seem to part with has to find a home on our little home. There is not a lot of extra room on a 42' boat when you have to find a spot for all of our necessities, like safety gear, months worth of food, spare parts, scuba gear, surfboards, and fishing gear. Its a good thing we are sailing to the tropics where we will really only need shorts and flip-flops.
For me, some of the most important last minute things that need to be done, are to enjoy what we have here in the Northwest before we leave, like visiting family and friends and spending time in the great outdoors.

I will miss the Northwest.
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