
Since we're all friends here, I'm going to level with you. I've been bored. Before you get your panties in a bunch and start worrying that we are going to hang up our sailing gloves and take up competitive knitting – no, I'm not bored with Mexico or cruising. Mexico is great and cruising couldn't be any better. I've just been bored. If you know us at all, or if you've been following along on our little adventure for a while now, you probably can tell that we don't sit still very well. We have to move and we have to explore. It's in our DNA. We just can't do anything about it. Having some broken tosies has forced me to sit on my butt for a few weeks and wait for the healing process to happen, and it's been, well, boring. Sure, I can hop in a taxi and go get some tacos, I can slowly hobble through town, and I can even take care of some needed boat maintenance, but, none of those things really dig deep and scratch the adventure itc...