A Big Idea

This big idea that I'm going to share with you today all started with an email from a good friend of ours who happens to be thousands of miles away. As you may or may not know by now, we have gotten hooked up with the Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation and have been stocked up with roughly 2,500 pairs of glasses for us to give away during our travels. We give a free basic eye exam, find someone the right pair of glasses out of our stock pile, and then hand them over a free pair of glasses. Yes, it's all free. That's right, there are no strings attached. None. It's not only great for the recipient, it's been a great experience for us as well. While we were in these little remote villages along Mexico's Baja Peninsula this past winter, giving out these free eye exams and glasses, we had been noticing quite a bit more need that could be filled. So, we had been making plans to pick up some supplies for when we returned to the Baja this summ...