The Bash North

As I sit and type this in our cozy little floating home, Brenda is outside on watch. She just took over and has 3 more hours to go before it will be my turn to take over. We are currently motoring our way north into the Sea of Cortez with 18-20 knots of breeze directly on the nose and a steep 4-5 foot chop. We are punching through some taller waves which send spray and foam running down the decks, and with some waves it feels like we catch air as we drop off the crest and crash into the next oncoming wave. Other than the occasional feeling of dropping, we are surprisingly comfortable. The wind and the seas are forecast to die down tonight which should eventually give us a smooth ride to our next destination. Normally, we would sit and wait for things to die down before making our way into a headwind, but this is really the calm before the storm. We've got 2 days to make it to Isla Espiritu Santo before the wind and sea gets really crazy and pins us down for the next we...