The Team

I don't think that a lot of people understand what it is that we are trying to do. I also don't think that a lot of people like their spouses, at least not enough to be stuck in a small space for a long time with them. The most common statement I get when I talk to people about our upcoming adventurer is "I hope you like your wife!" (actually, that is statement number 2. Statement number 1 is "watch out for pirates", but I digress). The truth is, I do like my wife. We are pretty great together. We make a great team. We both have an adventurous spirit and appreciate the thought of real freedom. So this post is about the Team. I like to refer to us as the "A" team. Not the A-team from the 80's TV show that I used to love as a kid, but the A-team, as in first string, the all star team, the best, the team you want when the going gets get the picture. (The A-team from the TV show isn'...